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Croatians of Chicagoland

The goal of this project was to collect and publish over a century of stories.  The interviewing and collection of archives began in the spring of 2009.  The book was published in 2010.  


Since then, a documentary film and a map have captured the landscape of the Croatian-American community in the area.


We hope to do more. 



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August 1st, 2014

(CHICAGO) -- CatholicTV. com will debut the film online at 8pm ET on August 11th, 2014. 

August 3rd, 2014

(MILWAUKEE) Wisconsin Public Television will televise a shorter version of the documentary film to its viewers around the state.   For program times, please visit Milwaukee Public Television

December 10th, 2013

(MILWAUKEE)  During the Christmas holiday, Wisconsin Public Television will televise a shorter version of the documentary film to its viewers around the state.   For program times, please visit Milwaukee Public Television

August 9, 2013 and August 15th, 2013

(CHICAGO) WTTW will televise a shorter version of the documentary film They Never Walked Alone.

10pm CT, Channel 11 - Friday August 9th

2pm CT, WTTW Prime - Thursday August 15th

Saturday Aug. 4th, 2013

(CHICAGO) The Chicago History Museum will feature the documentary film, They Never Walked Alone, as part of their Project Sunday program.  This is the first public screening of the film.  Admission is FREE to all parishioners of the Croatian parishes of Chicagoland. Program starts at 130pm in the Auditorium, first floor.


Debut of Film "They Never Walked Alone" on Chicago's WTTW

December 9, 2013

(CHICAGO)  LIVE broadcast of the new documentary film They Never Walked Alone - the Centennial Story of St. Jerome's Croatian Church. Hosted by WTTW's Gene Honda and includes live guests: former St. Jerome Pastor Father Joe Grbes, executive producer "They Never Walked Alone" Maria Dugandzic-Pasic and Croatian Consul General Dr. Jelena Grcic-Polic.


Volunteers from the Croatian community helped answer the phones in the studio during the live WTTW pledge drive featuring the Croatian Community of Chicago.


 Special thanks to sponsors of WTTW's Croatian Community pledge drive giveaway: Argeta, Katarina Line Travel Agency and Antler Luggage USA.

St. Jerome's Centennial Celebration & sneak preview of the film "They Never Walked Alone" HRT/Croatian National Television

"Glas Domovine", May 21, 2012

(CHICAGO)  Croatian National Television covered the Centennial celebration of St. Jerome's Croatian Church in Chicago.  The event also premiered short clips of the film "They Never Walked Alone". 


Glas domovine - HRT, 21. svibnja 2012. 
Hrvatska katolička župa Sv. Jeronima u Chicagu slavi 100-u obljetnicu. Veliko misno slavlje 29. travnja 2012. predvodio je nadbiskup Chicaga, kardinal Francis George, a na druženju u čikaškom hotelu Hilton okupilo se 1100 ljudi.

HRT/Croatian National Television

"Dobro Jutro Hrvatska", October 15, 2011

(ZAGREB) LIVE interview on Croatian National Television's morning show "Dobro Jutro Hrvatska" with the author of "Croatians of Chicagoland" Marija Dugandzic-Pasic and Mrs. Sita Sonty, Assistant Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Zagreb, Croatia.  


The U.S. Embassy hosted a special "Chicago Week" promoting the link of Croatian culture, law, business, politics and a variety of other with Chicago's leaders.

Book Premiere of Croatians of Chicagoland

May 17, 2010

(CHICAGO)  The official book premiere of "Croatians of Chicagoland" at the Chicago Cultural Center. Special guests Mayor Richard M. Daley, Croatian Ambassador to the U.S., her Excellency Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, acting Consul General of the Republic of Croatia in Chicago Ms. Renee Pea, Kathy Puchala from the Office of Governor Pat Quinn, and author of the book "Croatians of Chicagoland" Mrs. Marija Dugandzic-Pasic.


View other clips to see other VIP guests at this event included Mr. Bill Kurtis, Mr. Tony Kukoc, Mr. Chris Zorich, Mr. Ivan Jurkovic, Mrs. Gail Rancic and Mrs. Darlene Diehl.

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showcasing the past and present ​with a book, film, map and more...

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